Anticorruption Policy

1. Objective

CONSTRUCTORA HOSTOTIPAQUILLO, S.A. DE C.V., by means of this policy defines the guidelines for the identification and combat of acts of Corruption .


2. Scope

This Policy applies to all employees, customers, suppliers, contractors and third parties with whom directly or indirectly any commercial and contractual relationship is established.


3. Politics

The CONSTRUCTORA HOSTOTIPAQUILLO, S.A. DE C.V., We are against corruption in any of its forms and committed to work ethically, legally and professionally in compliance with this policy and the provisions of the code of ethics and conduct DIRSGICO01, for which we do not pay bribes and do not accept, induce or influence third parties to make or receive bribes on our behalf. This allows us to gain our customers' trust in business relationships.


4. Anticorruption activities

CONSTRUCTOR HOSTOTIPAQUILLO, S.A. DE C.V., It prohibits all its personnel from engaging in the following conduct: a) Offering or accepting bribes to or from Public Officials or individuals. b) Offering or accepting facilitation payments to initiate or streamline administrative processes or procedures. c) Obtaining favorable treatment using sponsorship or donation as a means to achieve it. d) Failure to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to public procurement. e) Establishing business relations with third parties without complying with minimum duties and due diligence in the knowledge of third parties. f) Intervening on behalf of a third party that is impeded by the Authority. g) Entering into an agreement with a third party with the purpose of obtaining an undue advantage. h) Carrying out operations with resources of illicit origin.